<%@LANGUAGE="VBSCRIPT" CODEPAGE="950"%> <% if(Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") <> "") then Command2__USER_IP = Request.ServerVariables("REMOTE_ADDR") %> <% Dim account Dim account_numRows Set account = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") account.ActiveConnection = MM_counter_STRING account.Source = "SELECT * FROM webcount" account.CursorType = 0 account.CursorLocation = 2 account.LockType = 1 account.Open() account_numRows = 0 %> <% Dim pageview Dim pageview_numRows Set pageview = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") pageview.ActiveConnection = MM_counter_STRING pageview.Source = "SELECT * FROM pageview" pageview.CursorType = 0 pageview.CursorLocation = 2 pageview.LockType = 1 pageview.Open() pageview_numRows = 0 %> <% set Command1 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Command1.ActiveConnection = MM_counter_STRING Command1.CommandText = "UPDATE pageview SET counts = counts+1 " Command1.CommandType = 1 Command1.CommandTimeout = 0 Command1.Prepared = true Command1.Execute() %> <% Dim showcount Dim showcount_numRows Set showcount = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") showcount.ActiveConnection = MM_counter_STRING showcount.Source = "SELECT * FROM showDayCount" showcount.CursorType = 0 showcount.CursorLocation = 2 showcount.LockType = 1 showcount.Open() showcount_numRows = 0 %> <% if Session("countOK") <> 1 then set Command2 = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Command2.ActiveConnection = MM_counter_STRING Command2.CommandText = "INSERT INTO webcount (count_ip) VALUES ( '" + Replace(Command2__USER_IP, "'", "''") + "') " Command2.CommandType = 1 Command2.CommandTimeout = 0 Command2.Prepared = true Command2.Execute() Session("countOK") = 1 end if %> <% Dim Distance Dim Distance_numRows Set Distance = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") Distance.ActiveConnection = MM_NPOMember_STRING Distance.Source = "SELECT * FROM Distance" Distance.CursorType = 0 Distance.CursorLocation = 2 Distance.LockType = 1 Distance.Open() Distance_numRows = 0 %> <% Dim opporunity Dim opporunity_numRows Set opporunity = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") opporunity.ActiveConnection = MM_NPOMember_STRING opporunity.Source = "SELECT * FROM Categories" opporunity.CursorType = 0 opporunity.CursorLocation = 2 opporunity.LockType = 1 opporunity.Open() opporunity_numRows = 0 %> <% ' *** Recordset Stats, Move To Record, and Go To Record: declare stats variables Dim account_total Dim account_first Dim account_last ' set the record count account_total = account.RecordCount ' set the number of rows displayed on this page If (account_numRows < 0) Then account_numRows = account_total Elseif (account_numRows = 0) Then account_numRows = 1 End If ' set the first and last displayed record account_first = 1 account_last = account_first + account_numRows - 1 ' if we have the correct record count, check the other stats If (account_total <> -1) Then If (account_first > account_total) Then account_first = account_total End If If (account_last > account_total) Then account_last = account_total End If If (account_numRows > account_total) Then account_numRows = account_total End If End If %> <% ' *** Recordset Stats: if we don't know the record count, manually count them If (account_total = -1) Then ' count the total records by iterating through the recordset account_total=0 While (Not account.EOF) account_total = account_total + 1 account.MoveNext Wend ' reset the cursor to the beginning If (account.CursorType > 0) Then account.MoveFirst Else account.Requery End If ' set the number of rows displayed on this page If (account_numRows < 0 Or account_numRows > account_total) Then account_numRows = account_total End If ' set the first and last displayed record account_first = 1 account_last = account_first + account_numRows - 1 If (account_first > account_total) Then account_first = account_total End If If (account_last > account_total) Then account_last = account_total End If End If %> <% Dim RefreshTime, IdleTime, TotalUsers, OnlineUser(), Tmp(), Num, I, ID RefreshTime = 10 IdleTime = RefreshTime * 3 Application.Lock If Application(Session.SessionID & "LastAccessTime") = Empty Then If Application("TotalUsers") = Empty Then Application("TotalUsers") = 0 ReDim Tmp(Application("TotalUsers") + 1) Num = 0 If Application("TotalUsers") > 0 Then For I = LBOUND(Application("OnlineUser")) To UBOUND(Application("OnlineUser")) ID = Application("OnlineUser")(I) If ID <> Session.SessionID Then Tmp(Num) = ID Num = Num + 1 End If Next End If Tmp(Num) = Session.SessionID Application("TotalUsers") = Num + 1 ReDim Preserve Tmp(Application("TotalUsers")) Application("OnlineUser") = Tmp End If Application(Session.SessionID & "LastAccessTime") = Timer ReDim Tmp(Application("TotalUsers")) Num = 0 For I = 0 To Application("TotalUsers") - 1 ID = Application("OnlineUser")(I) If (Timer - Application(ID & "LastAccessTime")) < IdleTime Then Tmp(Num) = ID Num = Num + 1 Else Application(ID & "LastAccessTime") = Empty End If Next If Num <> Application("TotalUsers") Then ReDim Preserve Tmp(Num) Application("OnlineUser") = Tmp Application("TotalUsers") = Num End If Application.UnLock %> 國際工作營-志工人力銀行VolunteerMatch.ORG.TW_Vision YouthAction


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International WorkCamp國際工作營中文網

Joyce Tsai,Lun33,  Share and Fly–Cà Roman, 07/11-07/26, Italy

     算是幸運吧?  參加了一個像夏令營的workcamp
     成立這樣的平台  讓台灣的年輕學子有機會去認識不同文化的人
     世界有時很小  在威尼斯遇到一位來台西當義工的義大利人

Aurelia Margot - Teaching at Parbatipur CRC Nepal - Nov 2006

If you're thinking about volunteering but aren't sure… stop thinking about it and Just Do It! My 6 weeks in Chitwan raced by and has left me with experiences I'll remember forever and which have shown me both the deep and humorous side of life. I hope that it will leave me a more spiritual and also chilled out person …

Jesus Emmanuelle Philippines , 41st International Youth Camp in Korea August 3-13, 2006 .

The 11-day camp made me learn so much about life. I should say, I became a better person . I learned the value of respect and tolerance . The difference should be the things that bind us all. We are all common in nature, and that is, we are all loving and caring people. We are friends, and as well as brothers and sisters aiming for a peaceful and better tomorrow.

Also, I have learned the significance of discipline, teamwork, communication and friendship. There is a bunch of enthusiastic hopefuls who really work hard for the universal goal of achieving greater understanding among nations, and peaceful living free from injustice and poverty. The completion of this is within our reach. It is up to us to take the challenge today.

Today we dream and today we act. Tomorrow we will reap the fruits of our acts. So, challenge Today, change Tomorrow.

ZONIA BERNARDO TELLO, Peru , NICE 32 Japan , August 2006.

I'm Zonia, i'm glad to write to you again. First of all thanks for helping me with my participation in the workcamp NICE32 in Tokyo , it was a really great experience. I would like to participate in another workcamp for my next winter vacation..

Logan Yeo

When I first signed up for the Amnat Charoen workcamp, the thoughts on my mind were "yet another filler for this summer hols". 2 weeks later, I became this more defined, calmer and easygoing person; no longer as lost as I was before.

Workcamp was fun, you get to meet people from all around the world and hang out as well as the "real" feel of local culture, rather than what every

other tourist visits.... So for anyone thinking of going for a workcamp, I say go for it. ;)









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Address: No. 9, 3F, Shihda Road, Lane 186, Jhongjheng District, TaipeiCity 100, Taiwan

Tel: +886-2-23654907 / FAX:+886-2-23690547/ Email:vya@vya.org.tw / Website : http://www.vya.org.tw

Copyrights@2002-2010 Vision YouthAction. All rights reserved 

<% account.Close() Set account = Nothing %> <% pageview.Close() Set pageview = Nothing %> <% showcount.Close() Set showcount = Nothing %> <% Distance.Close() Set Distance = Nothing %> <% opporunity.Close() Set opporunity = Nothing %>